“Sick” of Holding Doors

The toll the pandemic has taken on the Ambassador program


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New Junior Ambassadors Dallas Larson and Grace Poynor serving at the Senior Rite Mass.

Obviously, COVID has had a large impact on everyone’s lives. School was dismissed, spring sports were canceled, and students and teachers were left confused. Thankfully, we have now been able to return and restore some sense of normalcy within our lives. This not only impacted sports and regular students but also the Ambassador program. What once seemed to be the face of Juan Diego has now vanished, but in reality, they are still helping and are very eager to do so.

The major change consists of the events that Ambassadors are serving at. “The noticeable difference is that we, as a school and a society, are not congregating as we once did,” head of the Ambassadors Kate Suel said. “Masses, if we’re fortunate enough to have one, are smaller. Tours are rare since few people are going out. We miss serving at these functions because they provide an opportunity to grow, serve, and learn more throughout experiences within the Catholic community,” Suel continued. The virus has taken these events away, but Ambassadors haven’t lost their drive to serve.

Returning Ambassadors are positive about the return, but also sad they aren’t able to serve at the events they had been looking forward to. “I’m sad we won’t serve at the baccalaureate,” returning Ambassador Preston Bath said. “I’m definitely going to miss working with everyone downtown and I am especially sad that I won’t be an honor guard for the seniors,” Bath continued. These Ambassadors are sad about events being canceled, but it is crucial that they help the new Ambassadors in their roles. “A big key to our success at the events we do serve at will be relying on good communication and helping out the new kids.” Bath finished.

One of the Ambassadors’ main purposes is to represent all that JDCHS has to offer. This representative aspect of the Ambassador Program remains the same, even in the current environment.

— Kate Suel

Despite the cancellation of these huge events, the spirit of this group has not died down. “Having to deal with COVID wasn’t as challenging as I expected,” new Ambassador Kevin Abanto stated. “I was excited to serve at graduation and it was one of the highlights of my year, I can’t wait for the next mass,” Abanto finished. Ambassadors have had very few events, but they went very smoothly, such as Senior Graduation and Junior Rite Mass. They look to continue onto the next mass with this energy and appreciation for their job.

Despite the challenges, the Ambassador program will continue to help out the school in the way it knows best. “One of the Ambassadors’ main purposes is to represent all that JDCHS has to offer. They are involved on campus in as many different ways as there are, including sports, AP and honor classes, and other campus life positions. This representative aspect of the Ambassador Program remains the same, even in the current environment,” Suel concluded.