The Stretch to Victory

Cross County puts in time and effort to have a great season.

Juan Diego runners getting ready to bear the heat.

66 days running in 100 degree heat, and the cross country teams’ efforts have paid off, and with their first meet at Wheeler Farm right around the corner, the team is ready to dominate.

Wheeler Farm is what Juan Diego can consider their home meet. This year the meet happened to land on a 100 degree day and the team was well prepared. Juan Diego took second in girls and third in boys.

“I definitely think the miles put in over the summer helped prep their bodies to run the distance for sure,” Coach Myriah Fankhauser said. “I think also having to get up in the morning and run hard helped set the mentality to be tough in these hot races.” Coach Fank just started coaching the team this past summer. She has made it to every practice she can and not only is she working hard with the team she has been motivational to many of the girls. 

Summer practice always make a difference in our endurance in meets throughout the season,” senior captain Kristi Deffner said. “Running at 7:30 every morning really gets you into shape, then for the last week before school starts, we run at 3:30 every afternoon to get used to the heat,” Deffner has been running for Juan Diego since her freshman year. Deffner has gone from a 22:03 from the same course freshman year to a 20:33 senior year. Deffner has been devoted to the team for four years, and not only has she improved on her time but has made it to state all three years she’s been running.

“…Pretty much our whole team showed morale for this team because they went out and posted some decent times,” senior Preston Tenney has also been running for the team since his freshman year. He has been showing up and competing each meet, but even more so for his fellow teammates. Preston is someone you can always find on the sidelines cheering on the other runners.

Juan Diego cross country is obviously a very challenging sport, but with determination and hard work it is the most rewarding.