The Life of the Student Section

Behind the scenes of how JD Nest keeps students involved.

Whether it be bringing watermelons or water guns to games, JD’s Nest is not afraid to make an appearance at events. Campus life students have come together to create a fun student section to kick off not only the football season, but all fall sports. It is not only their job to promote sports that students don’t normally attend such as volleyball and basketball, but make it a fun environment for students to cheer on their favorite sports. 

Student body officers collectively come up with the specific themes for football games, such as jersey night to give the students a motive to show up. “For themes, we just throw ideas around and whichever one feels right we go with. Sometimes the theme will be planned weeks ahead of the game, while other times we come up with it the day before,” Senior Parker Chamberlain says.

 “Students are already pretty involved when it comes to football, so the work has been pretty light, but we’re gonna have to get creative for basketball season,” Chamberlain finishes. It’s not hard to distinguish Nest members, especially with their chants and the creative themes they come up. 

Senior Drew Wyatt has been referred to as the “Nest King” due to the fact that he is the most active member, and runs the JD Nest Instagram account. “I edit all the posts and I get more involved with every sport, not just typically the bigger ones like football,” Wyatt says. “I am the NEST king most of the time which has been really enjoyable to me from seeing past seniors be in this role as well,Wyatt finishes. The JD Nest Instagram account is updated every week, promoting the sporting events going on throughout the week, like tennis, girls soccer games, football, volleyball, etc. 

“I love doing random things to try and get kids involved and engaged at the games and it usually works,” Parker Chamberlain says, “I brought a watermelon and two gallons of chocolate milk to the home opener, and it was so much fun. Everyone was drinking the milk, some kid broke the watermelon with his head,” he finishes. Little things such as bringing random objects get the students excited for games.   

“My favorite thing to lead at football games are the chants,” Senior Evan Wigton says. “The student body has been lacking this year, but the best student section we’ve had was at the game against East,” Wigton finishes. 

As winter sports roll in, the JD Nest will continue to get the student body out to every game, whether it takes the craziest themes or random objects. Their appearance gets players excited, and helps bring the students together as one.