Missing Recycle Bins

Students and staffs understanding of the removal of recycle cans.

The photo expresses Juan Diegos recent decision to go anti-recycling.

The photo expresses Juan Diego’s recent decision to go anti-recycling.

Last week on Monday October 7th, all the classrooms were missing one thing: recycle bins. Without warning or informing the students and staff, the school removed all recycle bins from the campus. 

“The recycle bins disappeared and nobody told me anything about it,” science teacher and environmental enthusiast Gregg Alex said. “I’ve asked the Administration questions, but NO ONE will respond. It’s weird. I heard a rumor that the containers were collected so they could be cleaned, but that would be odd since we never got a heads-up so we could empty them first; plus they were never returned to us.”  The staff were also uninformed of the removal of our schools bins so the confusion kept spreading throughout the week. The rumor that the bins were being cleaned was the only knowledge about the missing bins around campus. “Its all very mysterious. I guess its appropriate during this Halloween season!” Alex added.

Sophomore Ashylnn Sandberg said, “I hope the recycle bins do come back. Students should always have the option to throw away plastic and recyclable items into recycle bins instead of dumping everything in the garbage. Especially now while plastic is a huge issue, we should have recycle bins in the classrooms so students can choose to help the cause.” 

The only question now is if the recycle bins will be returned or if we will not be getting them back. Nathan Tack said, “The administration is relying on either recycling club or environmental club to work together to get recycling bins back.” So the rumor that the recycle bins were just being cleaned and returned was incorrect. With the disappearance of recycling club, we no longer have students sorting and collecting recyclable items which led to the removal of the bins. Basically, students will need to take this issue into their own hands if they want recycle bins back.